INTERNATIONALLY ACCREDITED: 

                                                                                                    IICT (International)


This one day course offers in-depth insight into how to support women through pregnancy and beyond. We will review in great detail specific conditions, including high-risk pregnancies, and the implication of massage.


Pregnancy is a very special time in a woman’s life that creates significant physiological, structural, and psychological changes. Understanding these changes will help you, the massage therapist, to determine the outcome of your treatment. It will give you the confidence and guidance to apply appropriate therapeutic massage to your pregnant client.


During the course you will study the application of massage for pregnant women, the appropriate techniques and style of application suitable for each trimester and you will gain a greater insight into the complex body and system changes happening through pregnancy, labour and postnatal. You will learn the physiology of pregnancy, labor, and postpartum recovery as well as the skills and appropriate bodywork techniques necessary to massage your clients competently from their first trimester through labor. You will learn how to adapt your treatment plans to suit the individual needs of your clients, through massage, gentle breathe as well as passive and assisted Thai Massage stretching, carefully selected to assist during pregnancy. 


Hands-on work includes full body prenatal massage in 4 different ways: side-lying without turning the client; side-lying turning the client to her opposite side; side-lying turning client supine; in a seated position.


Appropriate draping ,practitioner body mechanics and hand-saving techniques  are d discussed and demonstrated. Special attention is paid to high risk pregnancies and treating the most common discomforts of pregnancy (i.e. lower back pain, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, etc.) The contraindications and precautions of prenatal massage are discussed in detail.


This one day course is open to all massage and beauty professionals, advanced massage therapy students, childbirth educators, midwives, labor support coaches and doulas. Please note that a professional massage qualification is a prerequisite to this course.


A student handbook is distributed and an accredited certificate is provided at the satisfactory completion of the course.





ENTRY LEVEL: Pre-requisite Anatomy & Physiology, and Full Body Massage (ITEC, VTCT, BTEC, CIDESCO and CIBTAC or a similar qualification).


This one day course is open to all massage and beauty professionals and advanced massage therapy students.

This course is also open to childbirth educators, midwives, labor support coaches and doulas.

Please Contact Us!


In order to secure your place, short courses MUST BE PAID IN FULL before the course starts. 

Should you wish to enrol on this course, at least 3 months in advanced, a deposit of £80.00 (non-refundable) is required to secure your place, as numbers are limited. The balance is payable at least a week prior to training commencing. 

Minimum age for enrollment is 18.





COST:  £185

VENUE: To Be Confirmed

TIME-TABLE: 9.30- 4.30




All course manuals are included in the price of the course - you will get a bound hard copy course manual given to you on the day of your training. 





  • Available