This pose looks easy but the effect of maintaining an awareness of your body while relaxing makes it quite difficult.
Savasana is, of course, a fantastic resting pose. But it is a lot more.
It is important for the therapist to learn and to be aware of his/her own body before working on others.
1) Lie down on the floor on your back, your arms should be away from your side and your legs should be allowed to relax out to the
sides. Close your eyes.
2) Extend your legs by pushing through your heels, then relax all the muscles and let your feet flop to the sides. Allow your
shoulders to soften and fall into the floor. Tuck your chin in so your spine is lengthened.
3) Make sure your back teeth are unclenched and separate your lips slightly. Your tongue should float in the middle of your mouth,
just behind your front teeth.
4) Turn your attention to your eyes. Feel the eyeballs sinking back into your head. Notice whether there is any tension in your
forehead and allow your eyebrows to settle back into their usual position and relax the area around the eyes.
5) Concentrate on your breathing. Allow it to flow through your body, from your head to your toes, as you inhale and back up
through the body on the exhale. If you find your mind wandering try counting your inhalation and exhalation. Make the inhale last for a count of four and your exhale for a count of six. When you
feel your mind start to still allow your breath to find its own rhythm. With each breath feel your body sink deeper and deeper into the floor and the tension slowly disappearing from your
Remain here for as long as you like.
6) To come out of the pose, wiggle your toes and fingers slightly to get your body moving. Then hug your knees to your chest, rock
from side to side slowly, keeping your eyes closed. Allow your knees to rest on the floor on either your right or left side, whichever is most comfortable.
From this position come up to a sitting position and open your eyes.
#ThaiYogaMassage #CorpsePose #Savasana #ShenMantra